New video for Caviar Eyes!

Special thanks to Adam Witten of Mortise and Tenon for creating this amazing video.

Megayacht - Attacking The Rust

Attacking The Rust, 10-song LP released on 8/2/24!Attacking The Rust is available on vinyl and cassette. Purchase on our Bandcamp page

Megayacht - Attacking The Rust

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You wonder why no one writes their bio in second person, then give it a try. You’re a member of Megayacht, an indie rock ish band from Chapel Hill, NC. You’re Frank Peveler, Kevin Jenkins, Matt Blanchard and Mitch Bennett. You went to school with Vince Carter and Rasheed Wallace, but are they almost making a point of not remembering you? Years later, your sound is strangely more alt country than you were expecting, but you hope it has hints of The Replacements and Lionel Richie. One thing is for sure though, you sound a LOT like The Experts. You wonder if you have a slight Southern accent now but it can’t be true. Can it, y’all? Nawww.